Mammatus Clouds in the Evening Sky

by Jeff Townsend
Mammatus Clouds in the Evening Sky
Jeff Townsend
Photograph - Photography
Mammatus clouds in the evening sky highlighted by the setting sun. I believe Mammatus clouds are usually seen on the edge of a storm or just after a storm.
October 31st, 2017
Comments (33)

Julie Weber
Wonderful capture of these clouds and the colorful magic of evening sun. The silhouetted tree tops offer a nice contrast. L

Greg Hayhoe
Beautifully captured... the setting/ rising sun on underside of clouds is magical..,. bravo Jeff.

Jeff Townsend
Thank you so much John, for the feature in the Images That Excite You group I am both honoured and delighted.

Jeff Townsend
Thank you so much Janet, for your very generous comments I really appreciate it. Thank you also for the further information you kindly supplied. I will look up some of the groups you suggest. Jeff.

Janet Marie
Absolutely stunning cloud formation, with such glorious colors Jeff! I now have a name for some clouds I shot at the Grand Canyon National Park. I love clouds in all their stages, and your photography says why. According to the AccuWeather.com: "While associated with thunderstorms, mammatus clouds are not necessarily an indicator of severe weather. Mammatus result from the sinking of moist air into dry air. They are in essence upside-down clouds." Thank you for sharing this image and title. I am always open to learning about the things I love to photograph. This would be wonderful to enter in some of the Clouds/Weather Art Groups. LvFvFB Janet💕

Jeff Townsend
Thank you so much Rod, for your generous comments. It was the only time i have ever seen such a cloud formation.

Jeff Townsend
Thank you so much Beth, for the feature in the Fine Art America Group "All Natural Beauty Of this World" I am both honoured and delighted.